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July 26, 2012


The Topic: Immigration in Canada (in all its shapes and forms, victories and challenges, pitfalls and triumphs)

About your blog-tastic author: Hey! You can call me M. And I’m a Canadian-born woman… and I have some vague academic credentials around here somewhere. Where did I put them? Ah! There they are: I’m a fourth-year university student studying English and Political Science. My studies in Political Science have focused on the Canadian Political system at all levels from Municipal to Federal.

Now, I’ll admit I’ve always vaguely enjoyed Canadian Politics. And I’m a pretty proud Canadian/Canadienne. However, I never really thought I had anything truly significant to contribute to the plethora of voices that make up this incredible country. I hadn’t found any issue that I thought was worth risking delusional internet self-importance a starting a blog about. I mean, who cares what I think about the Prime Minister? Anyone with a keyboard can stand on a soap box and shout out their opinions. So, I want this to be an informed blog. I’m going to be honest and open I can be, given natural human biases. If you disagree with me I want you to comment! That’s my philosophy.

However, I seem to have gone off-track here. Ooops! So, why am I suddenly passionate and jazzed about Canadian immigration issues? Well, I recently met an amazing man who happens to be a would-be Canadian Immigrant. (Currently, he is in Canada on a work visa.) As we began dating, I found myself frequently answering questions posed by my friends and family about what it meant to date an immigrant, how the Canadian immigration system works, etc. And, I’ll admit I struggled to answer some of these questions. I started looking at my life more closely and realized that I am surrounded by immigrants and aspiring immigrants everyday at work and school. That was when I realized that even though it is often said that we are a “country of immigrants”, Canadians are often unaware of the immigrant experience.

Now, I am not an immigrant. I cannot presume to speak for the people who come to this country hoping to establish their lives. I can’t tell any Canadians (whether they were born here or not) how they should feel about immigration.

Instead, I just want to share my own experiences with immigration-issues in Canada, pose my questions, muse on some thoughts, do a little research and post some information. Hopefully, some of you out there have the same questions as I do. Maybe you can help me answer them. Maybe we can discuss these issues together. Maybe you’ll learn something new from me. Maybe I can show you another side to an issue. More likely, you folks are going to teach me new things and open my eyes to new ideas. That’s what I hope to do with this blog.

So, buckle-up because things are about to get international!


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