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August 3, 2012

Why is it so Hard to Immigrate to Canada? Part 6

Why is it so hard to immigrate to Canada?

Possibility #6:

It is hard to make sense of all the legal mumbo-jumbo contained in the forms for immigration.

No matter whether you are a citizen or a would-be immigrant, government-issued paperwork can be a nightmare! Just look at the lines for passports or taxes for proof.
Add to this, the fact that there is usually a lot of pressure riding on these forms. The last thing anyone wants to do is fill in the wrong field or forget to enter something on their immigration form, resulting in a waste of money and time. If someone is applying for Canadian citizenship, they most likely have hopes and dreams riding on it, and to lose those hopes and dreams to an improperly filled out form would be… well, awful.

Possible solutions:

Well, there’s always the option of engaging the services of an immigration consultant. I don’t know much about these businesses, but I imagine they are fairly costly and therefore not the best solution for every immigrant. Also, I doubt they guarantee that all of their clients will have their applications accepted.
(not endorsing this guy/this company fyi)

This video reminds me, CIC (currently Jason Kenney and Co.) have a youtube channel with helpful videos on filling out forms and other immigration and citizenship related issues. You can trust the information because it comes straight from the source.
They have many playlists in both official languages (French and English)

There’s also the CIC website, which you can find here:

PS Hello to my readers in Russia! :D How's it going?
      And big ups to whoever added me to stumbleupon! You rock mystery netizen!

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